Saturday, June 6, 2009

This is a video clip from our dojo. It shows how to go from bottom side mount to juji-gatame by using the ude-garami and also how to counter the sit-up ude-garami with juji-gatame. Enjoy.


I have been a student of martial arts since 1982. I have been instructing since 1994 and have been a martial arts school owner since 2002.

Hadaka Judo is the art of Judo performed without the use of the Judogi (traditional Judo uniform). Literally the name means, "Naked Gentle Way". However, the word "naked" in this case refers to "without the use of the Gi" as in the Judo technique, hadaka-jime, or "naked strangle".

Hadaka Judo is a useful tool in submission grappling, mixed martial arts, and self defense applications.

In this blog series, I will post useful tips and tricks for the perfomance of Judo without the Gi. If you have any questions, contact me at

Feel free to visit our dojo website at or call us at (541) 229-JUDO